29 & 30 August
29 August 2009
nothing to do at home..
went to city square & holiday plaza..
love the food at city square^^
bought a t-shirt dat i think very cute~
bought a storybook which i longed to buy~
very very happy~
i love de tea leaves eggs also^^
jusco de RM1.20 each..
but holiday plaza only RM0.80..
so i bought 4~
reli delicious.. XP
30 August 2009
went in Sg with mummy at ard 12pm
den direct go Sengkang
for my interview
gonna work at guardian there^^
$4.61 per hour neh~ *happy*
i can have some xtra income le~
den i call chuan n solo come out..
they brought me go suntec city walk walk..
soooo big de shopping mall..
walk till my legs so tired.. =.='''
they also bought some donuts...
but i dun like de donuts very much..
so i din buy..
den chuan keep ask me to take the donuts he buy..
anyway.. had a nice day today with them^^